Holyoke Public Library
Holyoke’s beautiful and historic Greek Revival library had served many generations, but lacked sufficient scale, functionality and accessibility for the community. To extend the life of this valued member of the community, Finegold Alexander engaged in an extensive community process - resulting in a design for a striking, transparent addition joined to a revitalized historic center by an open stair symbolizing the library’s welcoming and accessible transformation.
(Photo credit: exterior of addition, yellow chair shot, hallway shot, interior shot of stairs with ceiling glass - Neil Alexander Photography; exterior of existing building, remaining interiors - Bob O'Connor)
“We have fused together our history and our future in one building.”
Aaron M. Vega, State Representative from Holyoke
Vertical circulation is always a challenge when working with historic buildings. Finegold Alexander created a new circulation core that carries people efficiently through the entire building, connecting three existing levels with three new interspersed levels.

"Libraries such as Holyoke play an important role in communities, especially during a time of economic recovery. They serve as community centers, providing free access to resources and information, computers for job-hunters, and affordable entertainment for those with restricted budgets."
Laura Vowell, Vice President at US Bancorp Community Development Corporation