Goodhart Hall and Hepburn Teaching Theater
Designed in the Gothic Revival style in 1928 by Mellor, Meigs and Howe, Goodhart Hall served as Bryn Mawr College’s place of assembly. As the college evolved, the beautiful building could no longer meet the needs of a modern collegiate-level theater program. Poor sightlines and acoustics, outdated building systems, and make-shift AV systems hampered the building’s function and use. Finegold Alexander strategically solved these issues in the main auditorium and surgically inserted a new teaching theater and workshop into the building complex. The end result achieves the school’s program director’s vision of “a theater of 100 theaters."
(Photo credit: Barry Halkin, Halkin|Mason Photography)
“Marjorie Walter Goodhart Hall retains all of its original architectural majesty while now serving the needs of the campus community in ways that far exceed our highest expectations.”
Glenn R. Smith, Director, Facilities Services
Careful planning and design coordination was required to shore up and underpin the large 30’ wide opening in the existing backstage wall to create a connection between the existing Auditorium to the new Teaching Theater, thus unifying the building complex.

"Finegold Alexander’s promise not to be intimidated by the building proved to be a turning point in the development of a creative approach to satisfactorily accomplishing all of the project, it is as if the College has a completely new building and there is a heightened excitement level over all the possibilities that now exist.”
Glenn R. Smith, Director, Facilities Services