
Finegold Alexander Principal and Director of Sustainability Rebecca Berry Presents at Spaces4Learning Webinar

Join Rebecca Berry – alongside Wellesley College’s Director of Planning, Design and Construction Michelle Mahue – as they discuss all things decarbonization!

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April 17, 2024
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Facing the challenge of aging infrastructure and tight budgets? Discover how our team successfully collaborated with Wellesley College to rejuvenate their historic residential buildings, all while prioritizing decarbonization and accessibility.

Join our webinar to learn how to:

  • Conduct a detailed exploration of existing conditions tailored to your campus's specific needs.
  • Engage stakeholders inclusively and strategically prioritize projects.
  • Design solutions that tackle multiple goals simultaneously.
  • Seamlessly integrate project timelines with academic schedules for minimal disruption.

Don’t miss out on innovative strategies for making the most of limited capital resources in higher education!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Click here for event details and registration!