
Expanding Possibilities with 3D Printing at Finegold Alexander Architects

3D printing enhances design exploration and prototyping, from building models to one-to-one architectural elements.

3D printer at Finegold Alexander.
September 17, 2024

3D printing has been a valuable addition to the architectural toolbox here at Finegold Alexander. Combined with 3D modeling programs such as Rhino, we can efficiently study massing and forms through iterative models. Additionally, having the ability to print a physical model directly from its digital counterpart allows both designers and clients to experience a model organically by simply moving around it or observing it in the changing light. This direct, experiential approach can complement renderings and/or panning around a digital model. 

While the firm’s current use of 3D printing has focused on the scale of a building within a site, 3D printing allows for fabrications at a multitude of scales. The printers can be used to prototype one-to-one objects—such as door handles or handrail profiles—or larger architectural components—like a facade panel or reception desk. These can be broken down into smaller parts to fit on the print bed, and assembled after printing. Assuming enough material is on hand, the only limitation is your creativity when constructing the 3D printed model.

Watch the video below to learn more!